Meet Our Team
Chief Ed Cordie, Colerain Township Police Department
In today’s world, programs like Driving Angels are crucial due to the numerous distractions available to drivers. With GPS, streaming music, and text messages, drivers often find themselves immersed in their own world of entertainment. As a father of three, I take immense pride in knowing that our department is part of this program. The dedication of those involved is remarkable, and the high number of successful course completions serves as a testament to its effectiveness.
Patrick Quinn, Driving Angels Administrator
The Driving Angels Program is important to me because it allows us to reach out to teenage drivers and provide them with traffic safety information. Too many teenagers die each year as a result of motor vehicle crashes, and most of the crashes are a result of speed and inexperience behind the wheel. This program allows us to help teenage drivers make better choices each and every time they get into a vehicle, either as a driver or as a passenger.
Officer Patrick Quinn

Get To Know Our Team Members

Allen Walls
Fire Chief, Colerain Township

Skip Phelps

Beth Kramer, RN-BC, BSN Presenter
UC Trauma Center

Dori Colwell, Presenter

Louise Pitcher
Dedicated Volunteer/Administration

Gina Menninger, RN, BSN
UC Trauma Center

Lois Bates
Dedicated Volunteer/Administration

Roz Swigert
Dedicated Volunteer/Administration